Your Healthcare career is in a

transition and we can help!


Welcome to CareerWiseMD

We offer individualized coaching and career guidance to physicians and healthcare professionals. Through our services, we aim to offer guidance to physicians and nurses around transition to alternative careers, leadership development, employment contract review, and academic advancement. For international medical graduates, we focus on polishing CVs, preparation for residency application, and improving communication skills. For healthcare IT professionals, we may help polish your CV, recommend suitable jobs based on your experience, and offer tips on how to ace a job interview.


You have worked hard as a physician, but you are now facing challenges in your professional life. Yes, we can help!


We offer guidance to two groups of physicians: international medical graduates and practicing physicians in the U.S. We can help you transition into a career that best fits your situation.


If you are a nurse or a healthcare IT professional and trying to get into managed care, you have come to the right place! We can guide you through the transition.